December 21, 2021

What Precautions to Take After Tooth Filling

Cavities are a common dental issue for both kids and adults globally. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 90% of adults aged 20 years and above have had a cavity.

Unfortunately, if cavities are not treated, they could lead to a fatal infection under the gums. The infection can also reach other parts of the body, and though in rare cases, the infection can be fatal.

The most common cavity treatment apart from tooth extraction is tooth filling. Sometimes some patients experience sensitivity after a tooth filling. However, this is not a major issue and can easily be solved by following the after-care instructions recommended by a dentist.

Let’s look at some basic precautions after composite filling:

Precautions After Composite Filling

Below are precautions you should take after a tooth filling:

Be Extra Cautious

Your dentist might have told you how long the local anesthesia will take to wear off. It usually wears off within 1-3 hours. You need to be extra cautious with your whole mouth during this time.

When the side of your mouth where you had a filling is still numb, it will be impossible to feel pain. Therefore you might accidentally bite your lips, tongue, or cheeks.

Therefore, you should stay off food until the anesthesia finally wears off- don’t worry, it usually doesn’t take long. Also, if you notice that the numbness is taking longer than the dentist said, be sure to contact them as soon as possible.

Avoid Smoking

If you love smoking, this is the best time to quit smoking until you are completely healed. If you smoke while a part of your mouth is still numb, you might accidentally hurt yourself.

Smoking immediately after a tooth filling might result in an infection. Smoking weakens your immunity, so it is very easy for you to get an infection.

Consider a Dental Routine

Consider having your dental routine at home. Let it be rigid, and don’t skip it. Oral hygiene is essential at this point. The routine should include;

  • Brushing your teeth with fluoride toothpaste after a healed filling.
  • Flossing regularly
  • Swishing your mouth once a day
  • Never missing your dental checkups

Eating After a Filling

Choosing what to eat after a filling is essential. However, eating after a filling can be quite a challenge. You need to be extra careful about the food you eat. Some tooth filling will not immediately attach to the tooth, so you need to take extra precautions after composite filling.

It is common to experience pain while chewing with the tooth that recently got a filing. You need to be conscious of every bite you take. Bite carefully or consider eating softer foods.

You may feel some impacts, such as having some difficulty choosing what to eat after getting a filling.

For example, you will need to avoid too hot or too cold food. Also, do away with foods that require a hard biting such as meat, apples, or carrots. Finally, to avoid infection, avoid acidic foods. The plus side is that you do not have to wait to floss your teeth.

The pain or sensitivity surrounding the affected tooth may disappear after a few days to a few weeks. However, if you are worried that it is taking too long, be sure to contact your doctor.

What Influences The Precautions After Composite Filling?

Other than watching what and how you eat, other variables may influence the precautions after composite filling. These factors include:


The local anesthesia that your dentist uses to numb your gums may determine how long you will need to stay away from certain foods.

Postoperative Discomfort

It is common and normal to have discomfort after a tooth filling. The discomfort sometimes may affect your appetite or even your desire to eat. Your dentist may recommend some over-the-counter painkillers to help you remedy the discomfort.

Gum Tissue Soreness

Tooth filling may irritate the gum around the affected tooth, causing soreness. This is a factor that will affect the precautions after composite filling. You will need to rinse your mouth with warm salt water to make you feel better.


Sensitivity may also affect the precautions after composite filling. For example, your dentist may recommend that you avoid too hot or cold foods for one or two weeks.

Take Away

Having a cavity is no joke, and most of the time, it’s painful, and it may significantly affect your day-to-day life. Getting a tooth filling is one of the best decisions you can make when you have a cavity. However, don’t suffer from that troublesome tooth that needs a composite filling. Call Taylorview Dental on (208)522 4491 to schedule an appointment with our experienced dentist